How #EcoAwake are you?

How EcoAwake are you?

More and more people around the world are thinking and acting with nature and our planet in mind - are you one them? Take our quiz to see how #EcoAwake you are!

The population sizes of mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles have dropped by what percentage in the last 50 years?

Data from the Living Planet Report 2020 shows that population sizes of wildlife species have dropped an average of 68% since 1970.

How many acres of the Amazon Rainforest are lost to deforestation every minute?

Every minute of every day, 150 acres of the Amazonian Rainforest are lost to deforestation.

Deforestation and habitat loss are key drivers of pandemics like COVID-19.

It's true. As natural habitats become increasingly fragmented or destroyed, wildlife are forced into closer contact with each other, our livestock, and people - and all this makes it easier for diseases to spread between animals, and to us.

Have you ever used social media to spread awareness of environmental issues?

Using your voice is one of the most powerful things you can do to raise awareness of the issues that matter! And the good thing is, more people than ever are speaking up online - new eye-opening research by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) reveals that on Twitter alone, the number of posts related to nature loss and biodiversity has increased by 65% since 2016.

Aside from using speaking up on social media, what else can we do as individuals to help reverse the planetary crisis?

All of the above are great ways to make a difference! While it may not always be in our control to live 100% "green", we can always find ways to make a change in our everyday lives - remember, it all adds up!

Do you seek out sustainable products and brands?

As a consumer, the power is in your hands! What you choose to buy sends a clear message to brands and businesses. Fortunately, more consumers than ever care about the fate of our planet - a new report by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) shows that the popularity of Google searches relating to sustainable goods has increased by 71% globally since 2016.

All products that are marketed as "sustainable" are good for the environment.

Unfortunately, although many brands and businesses have been actively implementing sustainable measures, some still partake in greenwashing and false labelling. Remember to do your research on the brands you plan to buy from and what their sustainability practices are!

What is the Paris Agreement?

The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty adopted by 196 nations in December 2015 to address the existential threat of climate change.

What is the limit to global temperature rise the world is trying to stay under?

1.5 degrees Celsius is the limit to global temperature rise set by the Paris Agreement. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projects that climate-related risks to human health, livelihoods, food security, human security, water supply, and economic growth will all increase severely if global temperatures increase by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius.

What is the New Deal for Nature and People (NDNP)?

Just as the Paris Agreement was a crucial step in the fight against climate change, the NDNP aims to achieve the same level of global commitment, but this time, for the protection and restoration of nature. Its three key obectives are: zero loss of natural habitat, zero extinction of species and halving the carbon footprint of production & consumption. Securing a NDNP will require strong decisions by the leaders of countries, by 2021, supported by key players from business, civil society, and indigenous groups.

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Looks like you're #EcoAwake! Time to get out there and wake the rest of the world!

Nice! You're awakening!

With a little more effort, you can be fully #EcoAwake. Take the first step by learning more about the Eco-wakening below!

Time to wake up!

Look's like someone's been sleeping in...Zzz...Start waking up by learning more about the Eco-wakening below!

We've entered a new era....

We've entered a new era - perhaps the most important era for the future of humanity and our planet. The Eco-wakening is here, and the signs are unmissable.

     Learn more     

Posted on 27 May 2021

We’re witnessing an #EcoWakening, with more people than ever acting with our planet in mind. Are you one of them?