09 Oct 2020

#EatPlanetBased - for a healthy you and a healthy world

Our food system is failing us. Right now, nearly 700 million people are going hungry, nearly 2..

02 Oct 2020

Leaders' Pledge For Nature - the lowdown

The last couple of weeks have been big ones for nature! 

World leaders have been gathered virtually..

24 Sep 2020


This issue of Pulse leads on the publication of our globally-respected Living Planet Report, which..

23 Sep 2020

WWF planetary health report grabs media headlines

This month saw widespread global media coverage of WWF’s latest Living Planet Report, which..

22 Sep 2020

New alliance to act against illegal wildlife trade

The illegal wildlife trade, worth an estimated US$19 billion per year, both fuels corruption and..

21 Sep 2020

Chile adopts fishing app for better sustainability

Chile is better placed than ever before to sustainably manage its fisheries after adopting an..

20 Sep 2020

Global innovation challenge to support community conservation

Many communities rely on tourism to generate income and other benefits from local wildlife..

19 Sep 2020

Task force seeks to include nature in financial decision making

Recently, we have seen the financial sector acknowledge that climate change is a source of..

19 Sep 2020

What is UNGA 75 and why does it matter for nature?

Recently you’ll likely have seen UNGA 75 being talked about on the news and online. But what is it,..